jackyko1991.github.io Biomedical Image Computation 101

Blog Introduction

Hi everyone! I’m Jacky and working as a software developer on medical images. By the time I issuing this post, I have been worked for 5 years in this area. It is very hard to newbies to enter this discipline as it includes both computer and medical knowledges. The blog’s aim is to deliver my experiences in this domain to shorten dummies learning period and lowering the entry difficulty.

So…let’s begin!!!

What is “Computational Radiology”?

Computation radiology is to apply computer techniques and algorithms for radiographic diagnostics and treatments. The term includes two parts:


Radiology is a medical branch focusing on the generation and interpretation of in-vivo human scans, which can be categorized through different imaging modalities:


In the digital era, the above-mentioned images are mostly generated and stored in digital format. In traditional medical practices the scanned images are interpreted by professional clinicians. With the continual improvement of computation technology, Computer Assisted Diagnostics (CAD) has gained more and more attentions. Followings are brief list in this field:

We will start by introducing basic tools and programming skills in coming posts.