jackyko1991.github.io Biomedical Image Computation 101

HPC Cluster Setup Part 2 - Hardware, NFS and NIS Setup

To setup a HPC cluster, you should always get the hardware ready first.

Step 0: Hardware Setup

Here we demonstrate the setup of a small cluster unit with 1 head node and 3 child nodes. For simplicity we will the CPU architecture is assume to be x64, though similar setup also works on ARM nodes like Raspberry Pi.

Parts list

This setup is scalable to as many nodes as you have, you may also have a separate network attached storage to the system for large data I/O. Here we will use the head node to act as the storage node.

Step 1: Install OS

It would be far easier to have all cluster nodes in same OS. To reduce graphical computation resources, I highly recommend Ubuntu Server for child nodes. If you are comfortable with SSH communications and CLI Linux environment, install Ubuntu Server for head node as well, or else you may choose any Ubuntu Desktops with same distribution number as the child nodes. This is to maintain the same dependency environment across whole cluster and software can be installed simultaneously across all nodes.

Choice of OS

Both GUI and CLI works the same afterward…as long as all Slurm setups are accomplished under CLI environment…Linux newbies may feel more comfortable with GUI version as long as the file editing can be done without knowledge of CLI editors like Nano or Vim. Under GUI Linux you can call up the CLI terminal with Ctrl + Alt + T.

Step 2: Network Setup

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It is essential to keep all nodes IPs constant over time to guarantee stable communication between nodes. In most modern day routers users may login to the admin interface to bind device IP according their MAC addresses under DHCP.

Step 3: Node Setup

Slurm expects hosts to be named with a specific pattern: <nodename><nodenumber>. When choosing the hostname for the nodes, it would be convenient to name them systemically in order. (e.g. node01,node02,node03,node04,…)


Now we may setup the hostname:

sudo hostname node01       	# whatever name you chose
sudo vim /etc/hostname    	# change the hostname here too
sudo vim /etc/hosts       	# change the hostname to "node01"

System Time

Node communication requires accurate time synchronizations. The ntpdate package will periodically synchronize OS time in the background.

sudo apt-get install ntpdate -y


sudo reboot

Repeat the procedure for all nodes but each of them with a different node number.

Shared Storage

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Storage node is one the three key components of the HPC cluster. In order for the softwares/ data be able to run on any of the nodes in the cluster, each node should be able access to the same files. In a large scale cluster there is often an individual node for data storage purposes.

In this mini setup we will use the head node to act as the storage node. A specific folder will be exported as a network file system (NFS) and mounted among all nodes. If you have a separate network attached storage (NAS), you may mount that on all nodes as NFS.

Create and Export NFS directory

  1. Create mount directory in head node
    sudo mkdir /clusterfs #create NFS directory at /clusterfs
    sudo chown nobody.nogroup -R /clusterfs #/clusterfs now owned by pseduo user
    sudo chmod 777 -R /clusterfs #R/W permission for all users to the NFS directory
  2. Export the NFS directory You need to host a NFS server in the head node.
    1. Install NFS server
       sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server -y
    2. Export the NFS directory Add following lines to /etc/exports:
       /clusterfs    <ip-address>/24(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

      where <ip-address> is the IP of the head node. You may check with router interface or via ifconfig. This permission setting allows any clients to mount the shared directory. e.g. if the LAN address is, you will have

    • rw provides client R/W access
    • sync forces changes to be written on each transaction
    • no_root_squash enables the root users of the clients to write files as root permissions
    • no_subtree_check prevents errors caused by a file being changed while another system is using it.
  3. Update the NFS kernel server
    sudo exportfs -a

Mount the NFS directory

Now we have exported the NFS directory from head node to the network. On child nodes you need mount in order to work like a single directory. Repeat the following procedures for all child nodes

  1. Install NFS client
    sudo apt install nfs-common -y
  2. Create mount directory in child nodes Guess what, this is exactly the same you have done for the head node
    sudo mkdir /clusterfs #create NFS directory at /clusterfs
    sudo chown nobody.nogroup -R /clusterfs #/clusterfs now owned by pseduo user
    sudo chmod 777 -R /clusterfs #R/W permission for all users to the NFS directory
  3. Auto mounting We want the NFS directory automatically mounted on the child nodes when they boot.
    1. Edit /etc/fstab by adding:
     <head-node-ip>:/clusterfs    /clusterfs    nfs    defaults   0 0

    This line refers to mounting shared directory at head node to the “local” folder /clusterfs as NFS.

    1. Actually mount the drive: sudo mount -a Once you create a file in any node’s /clusterfs it will be RWable in all other nodes.

NIS System

You will need a NIS server in order to synchronize all user’s account among the cluster network.

Configuring NIS Server

  1. Install NIS System on head node
     sudo apt-get install nis
  2. Configure this node as master
    1. Edit the NIS configuration file
       sudo vim /etc/default/nis

      Change the line

    2. Select proper access IPs to the NIS
       sudo vim /etc/ypserv.securenets

      Change the line

       # This line gives access to everybody. PLEASE ADJUST!
       # comment out
       # add to the end: IP range you allow to access
    3. Modify the Makefile
       sudo vim /var/yp/Makefile

      Change the lines

       # line 52: change
       # line 56: change
       sudo vim /etc/hosts

      Add the IP address for NIS       localhost
       # add own IP address for NIS       dlp.srv.world        dlp
    4. Update the NIS database
       /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m
       At this point, we have to construct a list of the hosts which will run NIS
       servers.  dlp.srv.world is in the list of NIS server hosts.  Please continue to add
       the names for the other hosts, one per line.  When you are done with the
       list, type a <control D>.
               next host to add:  dlp.srv.world
               next host to add:  # Ctrl + D キー
       The current list of NIS servers looks like this:
       Is this correct?  [y/n: y]  y
       We need a few minutes to build the databases...
       Building /var/yp/srv.world/ypservers...
       Running /var/yp/Makefile...
       make[1]: Entering directory '/var/yp/srv.world'
       Updating passwd.byname...
       Updating passwd.byuid...
       Updating group.byname...
       Updating group.bygid...
       Updating hosts.byname...
       Updating hosts.byaddr...
       Updating rpc.byname...
       Updating rpc.bynumber...
       Updating services.byname...
       Updating services.byservicename...
       Updating netid.byname...
       Updating protocols.bynumber...
       Updating protocols.byname...
       Updating netgroup...
       Updating netgroup.byhost...
       Updating netgroup.byuser...
       Updating shadow.byname... Ignored -> merged with passwd
       make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/yp/srv.world'
       dlp.srv.world has been set up as a NIS master server.
       Now you can run ypinit -s dlp.srv.world on all slave server.
    5. Restart the NIS service
       sudo systemctl restart nis
  3. If you have added users in local servers, apply them to NIS database as well
     cd /var/yp

Configuring NIS Client

  1. Install NIS System on head node
     sudo apt-get install nis
  2. Configure this node as client
    1. Edit the NIS configuration file
       sudo vim /etc/yp.conf

      Change the line

       # ypserver ypserver.network.com
       # add to the end: [domain name] [server] [NIS server's hostname]
       domain srv.world server dlp.srv.world
    2. Edit NS Switch Config
       sudo vim /etc/nsswitch.conf

      Change the lines

       # line 7: add like follows
       passwd:         compat systemd nis
       group:          compat systemd nis
       shadow:         compat nis
       gshadow:        files
       hosts:          files dns nis
    3. Set the PAM rule for SSH if you wan to create /home/user/ directory automatically
       sudo vim /etc/pam.d/common-session

      Add the lines

       # add to the end
       session optional        pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel umask=077
    4. Restart the NIS
       sudo systemctl restart rpcbind nis
    5. Try to logout and login again and see the NIS works

    6. Change the NIS password if you want to
       Changing NIS account information for bionic on dlp.srv.world.
       Please enter old password:
       Changing NIS password for bionic on dlp.srv.world.
       Please enter new password:
       Please retype new password:
       The NIS password has been changed on dlp.srv.world.

The hardware part is done. Coming next we will start to install the job scheduler Slurm.
